Sometimes the fonts do not work after cdn integration because some browsers refuse to embed the fonts which come from…

We occasionally need to clear a page’s cache, but clearing the entire cache is not good for CPU. For this…

If you cannot see the admin bar on the front-end after enable WP Fastest Cache, you should enable the Logged-in…

WP Fastest Cache does not create cache by default if a url contains a query string.

The cache of the page is cleared automatically after the comment is approved of.

Usually the wp users use the plugins to redirect the sites to HTTPS.

HTML files are typically served as text/html. The character encoding (or ‘charset’) of this file is UTF-8. If the page…

Sometimes the files are not compressed although the gzip option has already been enabled.

You need to do the following steps to use Italy Cookies Choices properly.

WPBakery Visual Composer Post Grid is compatible with WP Fastest Cache although it is not compatible with any other cache…