On servers using apache, the cache is served via htaccess thanks to the rewrite rule. It is the best method…
After the images are optimized, they are served as webp on Apache servers automatically. However, this situation is not possible…
WP Fastest Cache is totally compatible with Cloudflare. In order to minimize potential conflicts, you need to Cloudflare cdn integration.
It is very simple to exclude any url from the cache. You can call the following function in a theme…
You can write your own function that will modify the content of minified or combined css sources before saving.
You can write your own function that will work after the cache is cleared.
If you have installed an SSL certificate on your website, the website may not be available via a secure HTTPS…
You can use the Buffer Callback Filter feature to make any changes to the html source of a page or…
WP Fastest Cache is compatible with WooCommerce e-commerce plugin. No extra configuration is needed.
Revolution Slider Error: You have some jquery.js library include that comes after the revolution files js include. This includes make…