How to Remove the Footer Comment

by admin

By default, WP Fastest Cache adds an HTML comment in the page footer that indicates when and for how long the cache was created.

While this comment might appear to clutter the HTML source of the page, it is actually quite useful for identifying any errors that occurred during the cache creation process.

You can easily remove the comment added to the HTML source of the page without modifying any files in WP Fastest Cache.

Method 1: Using Filter

If you need to remove the footer comment from the html source, you can use the following filter. You can add the filter on your theme’s functions.php file.

add_filter( 'wpfc_remove_footer_comment', '__return_true' );

Method 2: Using wp-config.php

You can also prefer the second method. You need to add the following line after <?php which exists at the top of wp-config.php file.


Note: Please do not forget to clear all cache.

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