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Premium Update Before v1.3.6

PLEASE READ CAREFULLY! The premium version of WP Fastest Cache used to be updated via the free version but the…

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Leverage Browser Caching Third Party JS

You may get leverage browser caching warning about 3th party external sources.

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WP Fastest Cache & Weglot Translate are now fully compatible

Weglot Translate is a multilingual plugin to be able to translate your wordpress website and add extra languages. Weglot Translate…

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A Look Back at 2016

We are coming closer towards the end of 2016. Although it has been such a difficult year because of the…

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Admin Toolbar has disappeared

When WP Fastest Cache is enabled, the admin toolbar may disappear.

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Cache Timeout with Hour and Minute

You can specify the hour and minute for cache timeout.

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Image Slider and Render-blocking JavaScript

Google recommends to load the JavaScripts after html, css and images.

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Wordfence Alert

Wordfence may warn sometimes.

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WP Fastest Cache & Hide My WP are now fully compatible

Hide My WP is compatible with WP Fastest Cache %100 so if you think using a cache plugin with Hide…

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Optimize CSS Delivery

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