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Admin Bar is Not Displayed

If you cannot see the admin bar on the front-end after enable WP Fastest Cache, you should enable the Logged-in…

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Cache Trailing Non-Trailing Solution

The cache plugins save the output as a static html file and the visitors see the cached version.

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Cache Url with QueryString

WP Fastest Cache does not create cache by default if a url contains a query string.

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Clear Cache After Posting Comment

The cache of the page is cleared automatically after the comment is approved of.

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Plugin does not work after HTTPS Redirection

Usually the wp users use the plugins to redirect the sites to HTTPS.

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Delete Cache Problem Related to Permission

You can delete the cache both automatically, manually.

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Utf-8 Character Encoding Problem

HTML files are typically served as text/html. The character encoding (or ‘charset’) of this file is UTF-8. If the page…

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htaccess Gzip doesn’t work

Sometimes the files are not compressed although the gzip option has already been enabled.

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Render Blocking Js

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Italy Cookies Choices Fix

You need to do the following steps to use Italy Cookies Choices properly.

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