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Cache Timeout with Hour and Minute

You can specify the hour and minute for cache timeout.

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Image Slider and Render-blocking JavaScript

Google recommends to load the JavaScripts after html, css and images.

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Wordfence Alert

Wordfence may warn sometimes.

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Hide Admin Toolbar Link

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WP Fastest Cache & Hide My WP are now fully compatible

Hide My WP is compatible with WP Fastest Cache %100 so if you think using a cache plugin with Hide…

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Optimize CSS Delivery

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September Payments have been refunded

First of all, we need to say that we are so sorry about it. We had a problem with our…

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CDN Font Problem

Sometimes the fonts do not work after cdn integration because some browsers refuse to embed the fonts which come from…

Clear Cache for Specific Page
Clear Cache for Specific Page

We occasionally need to clear a page’s cache, but clearing the entire cache is not good for CPU. For this…

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Admin Bar is Not Displayed

If you cannot see the admin bar on the front-end after enable WP Fastest Cache, you should enable the Logged-in…

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