Advice, Product Management Tips
Discover the Remote Work Metrics That MatterWhen everyone was together in the office, you were close to all the action. Now, the action is spread out…
Advice, Product Management Tips
The Right Tech for Remote WorkTech is what makes remote work… work. If you’re a remote worker, you now have a suite of tools at…
Advice, AI and Machine Learning
AI-Enhancing Your Product | Machine LearningWhen it comes to data, we tend to think in dichotomies: quantitative vs qualitative, objective and subjective, messy and curated,…
Looking through our content and evaluating its success can be deceitful sometimes. How do we determine the quality of traffic,…
A long time ago, in 1996, Bill Gates wrote an essay named “Content is King”, Heath Evans remembered us in…
Advice, AI and Machine Learning
How to Use AI to Predict Churn If You Are An Ad-Driven Digital PublisherIn an increasingly fragmented market, reader loyalty is notoriously difficult to build and maintain. You know that all too well…
The digital ad industry has streamlined the buying/selling of advertising space over time. It has consolidated supply and demand on…
From where I’m standing, at the intersection between AI and eCommerce, I can see opportunities for businesses to better serve…
Product recommendations have been around since the first magazines were ever sold as a personalized marketing tactic. From suggestions of…
One might say that digital data storage began with the simple excel spreadsheet. It was one of the first places…