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How to Make Your Voice Higher

by admin

Your voice is an instrument. And just like with any instrument, you can manage it, work it, and make it sound the way you want. Do you want to make your voice sound deeper? You can. Are you wondering how to make your voice higher? Same.

People are trying to change their voice pitch now more than ever, with so many influences shaping popular belief, and trends. But there’s an important factor we need to consider when trying to make your voice higher or change the way you sound in general.


How to Make Your Voice Sound Higher

However, some exercises will allow you to control the way you position your voice and, second, teach you how to give the impression of a high-pitched voice when, in reality, you might sound like Darth Vader.

Here they are:

Exercise #1: Focus on Your Breathing

A higher-pitched voice needs more air to operate.

Ask singers, for example. When they want to hit a high note, they take a deep diaphragmatic breath and then release as they hit the high G. And the truth is that if you don’t know how to breath while engaging your diaphragm, you’re not giving your body and lungs enough power to go higher and higher. And if you don’t breath correctly, you might be able to achieve a higher voice but you don’t have enough power to keep it for long.

In general, you need to take deep breaths from your nose as you’re focusing on your diaphragm and then release while singing or speaking with your new, high-pitched voice.

Start by citing one short sentence. Then, move on to a whole paragraph. And soon, your new voice’s book will start to unfold and, eventually, you will make your voice higher. When the time has come and you’ve gained lots of experience, you’ll be able to control your breathing without even noticing.

It just needs practice.

Exercise #2: Listen to Yourself

Did you know that you haven’t listened to your true voice unless you’ve listened to a recording of yourself speaking? Think of the times you heard yourself on a video or audio file and you hated the way you sounded. You’ve most likely noticed that your voice sounds different on video.

But the good news is that it usually sounds more high-pitched than you thought, so you’ve made your first step towards achieving a higher voice; it already is!

However, before you start trying to make your voice sound higher, you need to pay close attention to it. See where your voice drops and where it lifts? How do you sound when your lungs don’t have enough air? What about when they’re full?

Listen to yourself carefully and get familiar with how your voice operates.

Exercise #3: Remove All Blockages

So, now that you know that a higher voice needs power, all you have to do is charge your system with some deep breaths. But still, you must unleash this power. And anything that is getting in the way has to go.

A high-pitched, strong voice needs to be free to travel out of your body.

Open your throat, give your voice some space to generate, and remove the first obstacle our voices usually meet. The tongue.

No matter how important your tongue is in forming proper words, it sometimes gets in the way and blocks sounds that our bodies generate. So, when you’re trying to sing or talk in a higher voice, you need to mind your tongue’s position — especially if it’s too large and takes too much space inside your mouth.

Push down your tongue and keep it away from the roof of your mouth. Try it.

If you’re a beginner you’ll notice that you are instinctively pulling back your tongue instead of pushing it down. Relax. Move it around to make it feel more comfortable and simply lay it down without trying.

This simple technique will allow you to produce a high-pitched sound that you most probably didn’t even know that you could produce. Keep in minf though, that it takes a little more time to master tongue control.

Exercise #4: Embrace Your Nasal Voice

Humans are so complicated that we have so many different ways to release our voices. One of those ways is through the nose.

Stop thinking about ways to make your voice sound higher, for a minute, and think of a nasal voice.

People with nasal sounding speech usually have more high-pitched voices compared to those who use their chest, for example. When you’re engaging your nose to speak, you are basically enabling gateways that allow thinner sounds to get out.

You need to be careful, though. Nasal voices sometimes don’t feel that …relaxed and they’re usually associated with feelings of irritation and annoyance.

Since you don’t really want to sound like a real housewife of Beverly Hills, make sure you just use 50% of your nasal voice and try to mix it with your natural one. This will make it sound more …normal!

Exercise #5. Fix Your Posture

If you know anything about singing, you most likely know that the way you stand or even position your head matters when trying to achieve a higher voice or even proper tonality. Just keep your posture in mind.

Sit up straight, push your tongue down, and relax your jaw when you’re testing your high-pitched voice. If you need, look slightly up as this position relaxes the neck and the throat and allows air to move more freely in and out of your system.

Exercise #6. Master Your Pitch

At the end of the day, it’s your pitch that you want to change. This can be achieved by practicing and paying attention to the ways you position your voice naturally, and how this affects the sounds you produce.

People who sing with a deep voice, like tenors, for example, rely on their chest to create vibrations that sound steady, confident, and low-pitched. But if you wondering how to make your voice higher, you need to forget about this technique.

To achieve a high-pitched voice, you need to open up your entire throat.

The moment you do it, you will feel it since your muscles in the area will feel relaxed, and your voice will start coming out smoothly. One simple exercise you can do is yawning. This will relax your throat and all those small details that determine your voice pitch.

And remember, the more open your mouth is, the higher your voice will go.

Exercise #7. Make Your Voice Higher by Owning It

There are not many official studies to back up this claim, but most people don’t talk in their normal, natural voice.

We all have our “phone voice,” “dating voice,” “videoconferencing voice,” etc. In other words, we are used to pretending and, sometimes, faking it.

This is what you need to do to make your voice sound higher, as well. Replace all those voices we mentioned above with higher-pitched sounds and even when you’re talking to yourself while practicing, do it in a higher, even nasal voice. At first, it’s going to be pretentious, but then it’ll become more natural.

You need to fake it until you make it.

Conclusion: No, You Can’t Make Your Voice Higher Permanently

You can’t (and shouldn’t) change things that make you unique, unless you’re in hormone therapy which will eventually start to work.

Your voice is determined the moment you’re born because of genes and anatomy. At the same time, influences like pop culture and family play an essential part in how you choose to position it.

Changing the way you sound permanently is not really possible. Giving the impression of a higher voice, though, is. By simply following all the tips we described above or by using technology, our brand new Mauvio app. With Mauvio you can, among others, make your voice sound higher, deeper, or even robotic.

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