Hacker at Work
Fighting Fraud in Programmatic with Ads.txt

Digital Ad inventory has been misrepresented for some time now and has grown immensely. This has been costly for the…

Mobil phone on the table and Facebook
Facebook Boosts Native Advertising Appeal

In today’s modern society fueled by social media applications, mobile devices and Internet penetration, the access and distribution of news…

European GDPR
Full Disclosure: GDPR is Good for Business

Challenges concerning data protection have entered the spotlight, as advancements in technology have compromised people’s control over their personal information.…

Content Marketing Strategy
Branded Content is Not Content Marketing!

Content marketing and branded content – two big buzzwords that you see every day in articles, blog posts, and social…

Businessman in suit working with laptop
Reasons Why Native Advertising Is a Natural Fit for Your Holiday Ad Campaign

Time and again, native advertising has proven its worth in executing branding and performance campaigns. It is an innovative medium…

Developer working with phone and computer
6 Best Practices for Your Native Campaign Success

As the adage goes, “If you want to be successful, it’s just this simple. Know what you are doing.” Native advertising is one…

Maximizing Revenue
Improving Ecommerce Retention and Revenue with Personalization

Imagine you go back to a shop you have been before, and the salesperson recognizes you. He also remembers that…

Hand holding hourglass
Page Load Time: How to optimize your site and increase revenue

Since 2010, page load time has been added as one of the ranking factors utilized by Google rankings. While some say…

Cryptoeconomics Explained

Everyone, on some degree, understands how the economy works. The demand, the money, the incentives, all that good stuff. Not…

Best Web Hosting Provider
Web Hosting WordPress for Miami Customers and Businesses

Web Hosting WordPress for Miami Customers and Businesses ?? Are you looking to elevate your online presence in Miami? WebhosterCity™ offers…

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