White drone flying in blue sky
How Drones Are Saving Lives

It’s happening more often: drones saving lives. Why? Drones get there when helicopters can’t. A drone saved a mountaineer feared…

Human head made of machine gear
Your Next Computer Will Be Able to Think Like You (And Be Your Robotic Companion)

here you are, ambling along a formidable stretch of the Great Wall of China. You speak no Chinese, and yet,…

Iron Man
This Scientist Shows Us How to Unlock Our Superpowers

Pick any superhero. What comes to mind? Maybe, Superman. Or Spider-Man or Iron Man. Chances are, though, it’s a man.…

Network Communications
The Digitization of Work

When 9/11 occurred, there were immediate changes to airport security protocols. Restrictions tightened, more checkpoints were added, and the technology…

Ray Kurzweil
Ray Kurzweil — A Restless Genius

By all accounts, Ray Kurzweil is a genius — a “restless genius,” according to the Wall Street Journal. Forbes called…

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